Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Art of a Proper Holiday

I have a confession to make. This is not what I intended to write about for the January newsletter. I have a half-finished article on cyber-bullying on a word document, stuck in my laptop. Here's what happened:

Our week-long holiday was fast approaching and the article was still not finished. Partly due to school holidays and partly due to good, old fashioned procrastination.

Suddenly I had a great idea! I could take my laptop along and finish it while the kids were swimming, or otherwise occupied - just like all the other journalists and bloggers do all the time.

Well, somehow things didn't work out the way I planned and I was unable to access wireless in our quaint seaside village and after jumping through several hoops and getting nowhere I decided to give up on my quest to get the article finished and get back to my holiday.

Through all of this I learned a valuable lesson - finish your work before you start your holiday!

The lure of modern technology is enticing but it can let you down. And a holiday is meant to be a break from the daily grind.

So now it's back to the beach for me.

I just hope I can remember this valuable lesson next year!

Michele Dennis

image courtesy of www.business2.com.au