Friday, April 27, 2012

Teenagers & Sex

I have received a few questions lately from parents who are concerned about their teens and sexuality. I guess it is in the front of everyone’s minds with all the media coverage recently. How do we support our teens to have a healthy attitude towards their sexuality and sexual relations?

When thinking about this question I did a lot of reading up on sexually active teens and what they are up to these days. If the research is correct, life for a sexually active teen is very different from their parent’s experiences. Which comes as no surprise, generational change is to be expected.

Some of the changes are positive, some research shows the rate of teen pregnancy has gone down. Girls are feeling empowered in relationships and generally there is more respect between the sexes. But what happens when things go horribly wrong? How do teenage girls get into some pretty scary situations? It’s true alcohol and drugs are often involved when poor decisions are made. And self-esteem must be an issue. What about the young men, boys in some cases who think it is ok to participate in group sex, that queuing up with several guys for their turn with one girl is some kind of male ‘right of passage’? And that the girl ‘wanted it’, ‘asked for it’.

So what do we do? Assume that only footy players and degenerates participate in these things, that our children will never find themselves at a party where such a violation takes place? I’m afraid not. We need to treat sex education, healthy body image and sexual values to our children just like we do every other aspect of their lives that is important to us.

We need to talk to our children about sex and relationships. Start young and be available to your children whenever they want to talk about things. The media is bombarding our children constantly with music clips and songs with alcohol and sex as the themes. Sex is constantly in the news and your children will have spoken to their friends about the latest indiscretions that make the headlines. So you need to be in the conversation too.

Sit down with your child and let them know what your values are. Most parents don’t even talk about the nuts and bolts of sex much less the emotional aspects of it. Help your children practice how they might support a friend who may be about to make a decision they may regret. Just like we help them say no to drugs, help your child by going through some scenarios, as embarrassing as it might be. It is possible that your child may need to help a friend who has had too much to drink and about to do something they will regret for the rest of their lives. Discuss with your son that even if it appears that a young girl is enjoying a sexual act with several guys, it is their responsibility to not contribute to someone’s pain. Also discuss how her judgement is probably impaired and she may feel quite differently the next day. We all do things we regret and I’m sure all teens can understand this.

Research shows that girls who end up at a party drunk and giving away sex or oral sex to several boys thought that it would give them some power or social status but the reality was very different. The girls regretted the decision and were socially ostracized, not only by the other girls but also by the very boys who were queuing up. Now we as adults can see this coming but what we have to keep in mind is that a teenage brain is not fully developed and it is part of the teenage experience to make mistakes. As a society I think it is our collective responsilbity to ensure that our children not to make such damaging ones.

It is also important to model positive behaviour. Your children are watching what you do much more closely than you think. Your children see you respecting the opposite sex and behaving in a warm and loving manner towards your partner, they will know what your core vales are. When you tell someone that you don’t appreciate derogatory comments, it may not make you the life of the party but it will show your child that you walk the talk.

The more we talk about body image and healthy sexuality the more likely it is your child will feel good about themselves and their relationships. Isn’t that what we want for our children and our society?

Michele Dennis

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Take a Hike

Hi Michele,

During the holidays, our family is spending time in Wales, where there is lots of hiking and outdoor activities.

Our children always roll their eyes when we tell them we are going hiking for the day. They do not want to go. But I don’t want to leave them behind on one of these journeys while we are on holiday.



Hi Janine,

We all do have to do things we don’t want to do, even when on holidays.

Explain to your children that when your family is travelling there will be days when they will be asked to participate in things that are important to you and there will be days where they can choose the activity, which may not be of interest to you.

It is important for children to understand that sometimes we do things for the people we care about because it is important to them, not because it just happens that we want to do it anyway.

Activities such as a family hiking day can be followed by a day doing something that the children choose.


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Homework Helper

Hi Michele,

My 9 year old son hates doing his homework; every night it is a battle.

How do I support him?


Hi Jon,

Organisation is the key. Have a set time and place to do homework.

The homework space should be clear and tidy and close to you. You can sit down with your child at the beginning of the week and look at how much homework they have, what other things they have to do that week and what things they would like to do, then you can outline a plan for when to get their homework done.

Also there should be minimal distraction. The TV should be off and computer used only for the task at hand. Once the homework is done, your son can get to the things he wants to do with his free time.

It is also important not to fuel the fire. A simple statement saying you understand that he doesn’t like to do homework, unfortunately it has to be done. He may carry on, you then say that you need to start dinner but you are here if he needs help.

Young children may need more help than you think, so stay near by. Make sure that there isn’t something larger going on like genuinely struggling with the work. Finally children need to be well rested and have a healthy diet. If your child is tired, hungry or fuelled by junk food the task at hand may seem more challenging than it is.


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Morning Mayhem

Hi Michele,

The morning before school madness is really getting to me!

How can the mornings go more smoothly for my three kids and myself?


Hi Natasha,

The most important factor in the morning running smoothly is being prepared.

Everyone having a good night’s sleep (especially you!) and preparing as much as you can in advance will be the difference between a good morning and a disaster.

Have the food for breakfast and the lunch boxes in the fridge and the school clothes ready.

If you have a child who struggles to get up in the morning have them get their clothes and school bag ready the night before.

Also try to know how much your child can do for herself and to participate in the jobs such as making breakfast and lunch, having expectations that are too high or low is a common mistake.

Depending on the ages of your children they may enjoy a chart on the fridge so they can tick off the things they need to do.

You might consider getting up a bit before your children to have a cup of tea or get yourself dressed.

Also, leave the TV off.


image of The Electric Mayhem posters courtesy of